I don't know how many of you read the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld, but the idea of magnetism is sort of brought up there. They have hoverboards that can fly only in the city. The city is built on top of a giant metal/magnet grid so that these things can work.
This is a good idea but remaking all the roads and such would cost A TON of money and we are already in a failing economy. Which brings me to my other point.
The US (our country) is so focused on war and our economy that no one is paying attention to out planet. I mean, HELLO why are we fighting each other over things that could be gone to us *snap* just like that. If we all start using solar power and such the demand for oil/gas would be really low and maybe we wouldn't really even need to use it anymore. (therefore the US would have independance...which we are apparently looking to achieve...I don't know)
In the long run, we would end up saving money (everyone would). Helping the environment takes time and energy, but without help we aren't going to be here.
Start paying attention to what you purchase and what it is encased in.
Recycle, reuse, etc etc, (repetitive I know)
Stop buying so much crap that you REALLY don't need. Seriously. Take pleasure in the little things. Remember? Think about it, when we die, no matter what you believe, your possessions are going to stay put and they certainly aren't coming with you. (I'm not saying that having things is bad, you know what I mean) Put more value in your friends and family...people and animals that you care about. Try not putting too much sentimental value on inanimate objects. (This also helps your character and not just the issue with resources blah blah blah)
Carpool..take buses. That bus is going to be going to it's destination whether you are driving or not. Why waste more fuel if you can just catch a ride with a friend or public transportation? (It can also be cheaper too)
I'm sure you all have heard of all these little things that can be done, but you know I might as well post them
Take shorter showers or take baths instead, that way you aren't letting gallons of water go down the drain.
Unplug electrical items that are not being used. Even if they are off they are still conducting electricity. UNPLUG them. (This can be difficult sometimes but there are also outlets you can buy that you can unplug everything at once.
I can't think of anything else really at the moment. I'm in a bit of a hurry.
I like to take baby steps but everyone should be involved and the little things DO actually matter. They help untangle the bigger problem for the people who can actually handle those big ideas we have.
I love Sonar<3
Whats new in Costa Rica? 24/2
4 years ago
Hey sonar you wanna know the worst polluters (i know it's spelled wrong i just woke up),
They're my neighbores!!! They throw THEY'RE garbage into my yard, they race cars in the street, they use up so much energy that i think they caused globe warming.... I JUST HATE THEM!!!
Oh and i read the uglies series and it was AWSOME!!! i spend most of my time reading those books and i like them.^^
Never read the book/series. I had commented some tips too idk when, a while ago. As far as the war and the economy, it's our generation that's going to have to fix that .... too. I feel like if we're going to be a gazillion dollars in debt, it should be for something worthwhile ... like the Prez say "Our nation is another 100 million in debt .... however... we have found a cure for cancer and invented a pollution-free car" Yeah, but all we get is the first part. O Well.
chocolatelover: plushie comment: an extension of the conversation on my blog (you were there for the first part) plushie comment is later in that same post.... is it weird? not for Storm.
Hey, I'm Jordan. Thanks for following my blog the other day. Hope we can become friends.
Heyo. How are you?
ummm... jordan... who you talkin to girl? I know it's not me we're already buddies. oh yeah I had a question for you on my blog.
Jeez, Cruz, your everywere!!! First your on one blog then your on another! Are you stalking me or something? AHHHHHH, STALKERS!!!!!! (Just kidding)
STALKER! Yeah Right! It is weird how we do run into each other alot... or maybe it's NOT WEIRD... maybe YOU'RE stalking ME! I do have a profile that shows the blogs I follow ( and you don't)... hmmm...
Just Kidding. For real though I saw your idea for alternate fuel choices for cars and I was wondering if you knew about these: SOLAR powered cars (they race these the 3 wheel ones), WATER-ELECTRIC powered car(from Japan), and the AIR-POWERED car that runs on compressed heated air. Of course none of these are cost-effective enough to mass produce or even practical for daily use (they're small cars) idk it's a start. I looked these up because I was thinking of pollution-free cars after I last posted on here.
Who knew?
No, I didn't know that, except for the solar powered car. I was talking to my dad about the grass for grass idea and he said people were working on it all ready. I am not a stalker!!!!!!!!!
Nice blog! I'm a qeust, you know save the world.I'm Bilbo Baggins is at you sevrvis ...As long as I'm back before 2nd diner.
"Things you can't live without
is what life is all about"
As old Gaffer Gamge use to say.
That's cool. But you know we need more than this stuff just to be invented, we need it to be used like mass produced and actually applicable to daily life. For now, I guess all we can do is what WE can do as individuals, our part to help the environment like Echo said the "baby steps" we can do.
gandalf: Yeah, I think that's exactly what Echo was trying to say... ok I get it lord of the rings... but who's Gaffer Gamge?
Sam's Dad
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