Saturday, May 9, 2009

Carbon Dioxide Emissions.

Alright, I find this sickening, The united states is the leading emission output of CO2...6,049,435 metric tons of CO2 is sent into the atmoshpere by the united states. That's only 22.2% of it. Ew right? That's our air, and at least for me, my generation's ozone layer. I have to live the rest of my life knowing that all of us are making global warming (which is a natural process) move at a very, very, fast and unnaturaul rate. And it's not over yet. We have to start doing something about this soon, or else we're going to have more problems trying to fix our planet...


Water powered cars?

I'm sorry if somebody has already posted something about this, but it's important. H2O powered cars are real, and here. Amazing right? BMW has a model already and Hyunda is starting to make them. this website has info on them, and I think it is a great idea, and all those fossil fuels we're burning will no longer output harmfull emmisions into our atmostphere, which is depleting our ozone layer. Simple for us, better for the enviroment. I don't believe there are any downsides to this new h2o car. It's not just a dream anymore.
