Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We need some new posts here!

Ok, enough with the joking around.

One way to be nicer to the earth is walking. Although not quite as convenient as driving, is healthier in more ways than one. Did you know that we are the only nation where the fattest people are the poorest?? Yeah, well, it's true. I think that people should start walking and riding their bikes more. It is good exercise and cleaner for the environment...but make sure you have water...and you know a safe path to get to where you are going because when you are on a road with no sidewalk because you are stuck without a car because you can't afford one (or drive) and the speed limit is 25 mph but people go 45mph on the darn winding road and nearly hit you because they come within two feet of you and you know that you are surely going to die *gasps* then that could be a problem and very nerve wracking...but good way you stay fit...and don't litter as you are walking...

One of Crab and Gemini's friends said that she gained more weight when she started driving because she stopped walking everywhere...


Yes, but be careful and watch where you are going and don't almost get flattened by trucks, vans, Volvos or little red cars that drive by so fast you can't tell what they are...and school buses...

PS. HOWEVER If you happen to be driving a van and you try and park, make sure you put the car in park so you don't start rolling backwards...(this goes for any car...)

Also, here's an idea, whenever you see trash on the ground pick it up and throw it away. These little things effect our environment in a big way too (understandable if you aren't quite sure what is was...but still, attempting is good.)

Try this: Even if it is cold, go outside this weekend and take a walk (with a garbage bag OR if you want to be real cool, take a grocery bag that you have lying around and while on your little walking spree, pick up some trash that you see on the side of the road or what not.I saw a bunch of crap while walking home and it made me sick...literally and figuratively (it smelled really nasty)

And don't care what other people think if they see you doing something like this. The worst thing they could possibly do is call you at tree hugger.


WE want to LIVE
WE need to stand up and take responsibility because we are the ones who have to live with it.



PS. I love Sonar